Indeed, but everything you need is there. And I’ll throw one in for free and it is awesome to get started:
Indeed, but everything you need is there. And I’ll throw one in for free and it is awesome to get started:
I almost hate to recommend it, but r/rtlsdr is the place to go.
RTL-SDR is basically a way of using a digital device as a broadband radio. That is an oversimplification, but that is the idea. There are cheap USB devices out there that will turn a PC into a ham radio receiver (among a really wide range of other bands like weather satellites). I have no idea how they are doing it with Android, however. Maybe using the phone’s antenna.
It isn’t only tips. I opt to be paid by time + tips. In my area it is $18.50 per hour driven with tips. I average about $25-$28 per hour. The real issue is that getting to the point where you can just go work whenever you want is really rough because there isn’t always a spot available.
Kraft Mac and cheese with sausage cut up in it.
They were trying to run it cracked through an alternative launcher.