• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 19th, 2023


  • One of the things LNG has over coal is that it’s very easy to turn off and on in case cheaper sources aren’t producing enough. LNG plays much better with renewables and coal also produces ton of pollution and particulate matter. It’s the lesser of two evils when there are no methane leaks.

    Methane leaks will still punch the climate in the gut so any leaks are unacceptable and all methane gas needs to be accounted for.

    Both obviously need to be replaced with renewables and large cost efficient energy storage. Hydrogen is attractive since energy doesn’t degrade over time, pumped hydro for weekly to monthly high quantity and power, flywheels/lithium batteries to stabilise the grid frequency, heat storage with district heating for households and redux flow batteries with massive containers for winter/summer differences.

  • I kebab case mine for personal files.

    It’s mostly because I don’t have to use a modifier key and it’s doesn’t need url encoding and all in the same lowercase. Dot notation looks nice but I feel like dots are for extensions only. Flat case is horrible to read, screaming case even worse, camel/pascal case to many times ends up as coolFileNAme on first time typing.

    I’ve done a couple of different styles because of programming in different languages but now if I have to do anything that’s not kebab case I make a small frown.

  • There’s always going to be pushback on new ideas. He’s basically asking people questions like “Hey how does your thing work? I want to write it in rust.” and gets the answer “I’m not going to learn rust.”.

    I think rust is generally a good thing and with a good amount of tests to enforce behavior it’s possible to a functionally equivalent copy of the current code with no memory issues in future maintenance of it. Rewriting things in rust will also force people to clarify the behavior and all possible theoretical paths a software can take.

    I’m not gonna lie though, if I would have worked on software for 20 years and people would introduce component that’s written in another language my first reaction would be “this feels like a bad idea and doesn’t seem necessary”.

    I really hope that the kernel starts taking rust seriously, it’s a great tool and I think it’s way easier to write correct code in rust than C. C is simple but lacks the guardrails of modern languages which rust has.

    The process of moving to rust is happening but it’s going to take a really long time. It’s a timescale current maintainers don’t really need to worry about since they’ll be retired anyway.