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Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: January 24th, 2024


  • It’s meant for a bit of fun (and maybe trolling some MAGAs) by someone with too much time…and a lack of smell. Like what’s the point of Trump nfts having him shopped into a decent body or that gold mascot version of him at rallies or the AI art of demon or communist Kamala. At least this took some actual effort on the part of the creator.

  • Paperback. I’ve sometimes waited for paperback versions of books after their initial hardcover release. Cheaper, lighter, same reading, I used to be less patient so would suck it up and get the hardcover, nowadays I don’t read as much so waiting is easier. I read a lot when traveling and hardcovers are just such a pain. The only “nice” collection I have is LOTR+hobbit.

    I’m trying out an eReader soon but I’m not sure I’ll be able to get away from the desire of physically turning pages.

  • What I’m saying about this amount of wealth is that it is because people were not paid the value of their work. They gained 20T over the years because that is what they make from underpaying and overcharging. That unregulated capitalism is the basis that leads to such obscene wealth. Redistribution is not about investment but changing the underlying system. It’s basically 58k of backpay. People would largely use it to get out of debt and improve their lives in some way.

    From then on with the system changed people are getting an extra 5,800/y. Enough for significantly more families to avoid food insecurity and get/stay out of debt. Those two things are the biggest helps you can give people to reduce crime, and improve communities. It doesn’t have to be much as multiple UBI studies have shown.