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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 28th, 2023


  • Why do you think you can’t prove Gengis Khan existed?

    Claims need proof when there is a call to action. It doesn’t matter to me if you’re from an island or a small town or a big city, unless you’re giving me directions. If you make an extraordinary claim, and you want me to believe you, then I’ll need proof. If you make a mundane claim, then what the fuck do I care if you’re lying? If you claim to have a disease, I’m going to believe you because I’m not a doctor and it costs me nothing to take you at your word.

    If you shout “Run, something bad is coming!” I might feel foolish and angry if I later learn you were lying, but I’d rather be foolish and angry than injured or dead. Proof is a luxury when time is of the essence, doubly so when safety is at risk.

    There might be some specific nuances to quibnle over, but generally I think we could reach consensus on the guidelines I described.

  • Stein’s campaign is right about this:

    “In a democracy, no one owns your vote, candidates need to earn your vote, and the only ‘spoilers’ are the political elites who work overtime to deny a meaningful democratic choice to voters who are hungry for real choice…”

    What has Jill Stein done to earn your vote, though? Viability is a big part of that. If I could snap my fingers and institute STAR voting tomorrow, we would be having a different conversation. Yes, we want better politicians and policies, but if you don’t think that the choice between Harris and Donald Fucking Trump is meaningful, then you’ve got your head entirely up your own ass.

    Harris doesn’t get my vote because I owe it to the Blue Team. She gets my vote because she’s a reasonable adult running against a violent madman, and she’s the only candidate who can stop him.

    Jill Stein is nothing. She’s a joke, and likely funded by Russian oligarchs hoping to help Trump.

  • themeatbridge@lemmy.worldtoAsklemmy@lemmy.ml*Permanently Deleted*
    27 days ago

    … no?

    I see a lot of hype for a preferred candidate, but I don’t see anyone saying it’s over or their candidate has already won. I also see a lot of demonizing of opponents, but one party has literally nominated a rapist and convicted felon, and he’s most upset that people are calling him “weird.”

  • Imagine a hammer. This is a special hammer. It has the latest technology, which allows it to assist you hitting the nail. It can zero in on the nail, and nudge your swing to precisely strike on the optimal nail head.

    But it’s still a hammer. You don’t always aim to strike a nail. Sometimes it’s removing a nail, sometimes it’s hammering something else.

    That would be incredibly frustrating if every time you tried to use it, the hammer would jostle about in your hand looking for a nail head.

    Now imagine that the nail manufacturers have started paying the hammer manufacturer to “prefer” their nails. Maybe those are the nails you need, maybe they aren’t, but the hammer jitters and jostles in your hand unless you’re using the brand that is paying for preferential treatment.

    Somewhere along this path, the hammer has stopped being useful for even its most fundamental purpose. “Improvements” on the tool have created inefficiencies for the user. The underlying technology is good, and can improve the function of the tool, but it is being implemented poorly and the developers are prioritizing profits over functionality.

    This anti-pattern repeats frequently across all industries. It has come to search engines and social media now.