“Welcome, newcomers. The tradition of Festivus begins with the airing of grievances. I got a lot of problems with you people! And now you’re gonna hear about it!”

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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: October 14th, 2023

  • The New Republic article isn’t very good in my opinion.

    You might read through this: https://www.erininthemorning.com/p/city-ordinance-banning-public-homosexuality

    The new ordinance: https://www.wkrn.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/73/2023/06/061523-Community-Decency.pdf

    C. Prohibited conduct.

    (1) No person shall knowingly while in a public space engage in indecent
    behavior, display, distribute, or broadcast indecent material, conduct
    indecent events, or facilitate any of the foregoing prohibited acts, or
    otherwise subject minors to a prurient interest or to behaviors,
    materials, or events that are patently offensive to prevailing
    standards in the adult community as a whole with respect to what is
    suitable material for minors.
    (2) No funds appropriated by City Council shall be knowingly: (a) used to
    facilitate indecent behavior, the display, distribution, or broadcast of
    indecent materials, or the conducting of indecent events; or (b) used to
    expose or subject minors in any other manner to behavior, materials,
    or events that predominantly appeals to the prurient interest of
    minors and that is patently offensive to prevailing standards in the
    adult community as a whole with respect to what is suitable material
    for minors.
    (3) The prohibition on the use of City funds in subsection (2) does not
    apply: (a) to the identification, removal, and disposal of materials that
    violate subsection (2); or (b) to materials, performances, or exhibitions
    that, when taken as a whole, expresses matters of serious literary,
    artistic, scientific, or political value.