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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 7th, 2023


  • Thank you. Now, insofar as it concerns apostrophes (he said pedantically), couldn’t it be argued that the tools we have at our immediate disposal for making ourselves understood through text are simply inadequate to express the depth of a thought? And wouldn’t it therefore be more appropriate to condemn the lack of tools rather than the person using them creatively, despite their simplicity? At what point do we cast off the blinders and leave the guardrails behind? Or shall we always bow our heads to the wicked chroniclers who have made unwitting fools of us all; and for what? Evolving our language? Our birthright?

    No, I say! We have surged free of the feeble chains of the Oxfords and Websters of the world, and no guardrail can contain us! Let go your clutching minds of the anchors of tradition and spread your wings! Fly, I say! Fly and conformn’t!

    I relinquish the pedant stick.

  • Is there anything you feel strongly enough about to protest like that?

    In trying to look at it from the perspective of “what could make me do that” I can only think of some downright heinous shit. To get to the point that you’re willing to stand in front of cars and have people hate you for preventing them from living their lives? It’s pretty hard to imagine.

    And on top of that, to know that your actions are going to ruin you in some way or another; that you’re facing jail time, bodily harm, or extreme financial burden? Either they’re being both sensitive and stupid or they’re so fed up that they feel like there’s no other recourse. It’s insane to me to think about being pushed so far that that seems like a good idea.

    But then I think about how they must have gotten there, and the things that would get me there, and they’re not so different.

  • Definitely a skewed signal to noise ratio, which at this point feels intentional. Politics felt far more boring in the before-fore, but I think most of that was me not paying close enough attention.

    I had a casual conversation with ChatGPT a while back about how this level of political division is unprecedented in the country (I guess I conveniently forgot about the civil war during this), and the response was basically “Everybody says that in every era,” so I wonder if I just have too narrow a focus. I should look into that…

  • Okay, so participating in the system is feeding it. I understand your point, but it feels like you’re completely dismissing the momentum our current system has. I don’t think slowing it down is a possibility right now, especially since the mechanisms in place specifically prevent extreme policy changes from one administration to the next–namely, our country’s 70+ years of hard-line support for Israel–so the next reasonable step to take is to steer it in a better direction.

    Unfortunately, the majority of people are already steering either right or left. Refusing to engage or trying to push this massive machine in a less popular direction is, for now, like screaming into the void. So, I push with the others, hoping to create breathing room until we can change the way we do things and allow for better political representation in our democracy.