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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: October 4th, 2023

  • This article is talking about the current population squeeze, and how this has happened twice in the past. As in, 10,000+ years ago.

    There is no new emminent threat to cheetahs. There are well funded global cheetah breeding programs that are successfully breeding cheetahs with their unique genetic restrictions in mind.

    Professional ecologists are well underway toward repairing cheetah populations. They arent going to go extinct


    Read that sentence over and over until it sticks in your head. These protests Are. Not. For. Your. Racist. Grandmother. They are direct threats to the politicians who know better. They are direct threats to the people in power who are knowingly letting the climate worsen for profit. They are direct threats that say if they continue putting our lives at risk for money, we will burn down everything they own into ash that if we die we do so without making them richer.

    You are gently tonguing and sucking turtle miches fucking balls with this bullshit rhetoric. You are getting him off in the worst way, because he knows climate change is real and does not care because IT MAKES HIM MONEY. He is in love with the fact that you think threatening him and his coffers “”“hUrTs ThE MoVeMeNt”“” because you are stopping anyone from actually holding him accountable.

    Your racist grandmas opinion doesnt matter!! She isnt burning coal!! She isnt razing the amazon for cattle farming!! The people who store their expensive art in museums do!! These protests are not for your dumb as rocks grandma!! No one gives a shit what she thinks!!

    These protests are reminders that we can do things that cost the people in power lots of money, because costing them money or killing them is all they care about, and we are polite enough to start with their wealth before their lives. End of story. Thats it.

    Threatening art threatens their investments. Halting traffick shuts down their factories and offices. Its not for you! Its to cost them money, and then remind them that we will do worse, for longer, next time. Anything that would make their stock wobble makes them tremble. Anything that shuts down a city fucks every business in that city, and all those angry business owners turn to the politicians and cry “fix it daddy! Or Ill stop paying you under the table!”

    THIS. ISNT. ABOUT. YOU. Its about hurting, directly, the people who cause these problems, in ways they cannot stop you from doing without killing you for it.

  • Nothing done has prolonged the current policies. You are either arguing in bad faith or from a position of complete ignorance of human history.

    If you were turned away from fixing climate change because of this nonviolent protest, you were 1) never actually on the side of humanity, and 2) do not understand what protests are or have ever been.

    We used to kill leaders who put our lives and our neighbors lives in jeapordy. They threaten us, and we kill them and replace them.

    These protests are progressive steps towards that old method, to remind them that we used to kill them for poor leadership, we could choose to do so again, and that we will start by destroying their property and financial investments first. That if they wish to live, and if they wish to keep their wealth, they need to start leading properly and stop putting our lives in jeapordy.

    The museum curators spoke out against this not because it harmed any movement, but because it risked costing them money. Thats it. Its a threat to cost them money if they dont listen to us.

    This isnt about swaying your bigoted dipshit of a grandma. Its about reminding turtle boy mitch and his country club friends in congress that we will burn down his house if he keeps ignoring this issue. Because we have exhausted the non violent options, and are approaching the point of needing to use violence.

    So, no, I dont give a shit that a painting wasnt even actually damaged. Because pretending to damage the painting is to remind those in power that the next time, we will not throw soup. We will throw bottles of kerosene with lit rags poking out.

    And I am speaking as an ecologist. We have tried the advocacy. The people in power do not care. They need to be made to care.

  • The life of a painting is worth less than my life, bud

    If you are hand wringing about a painting because someone tried to use it to stop the deaths of real himan beings, you dont give a shit about climate change. Shove that made up concern back up your ass where it came from.

    Saying “we are dying, and we will threaten to damage non living artwork until you stop the thing killing us” is not hurting any cause in the eyes of rational thinking human beings.

    You will not get me to care more about a painting that wasnt damaged just because the rich losers who own the museum dont like the negative press, and you cannot make me care more about warhols work more than human lives. (You also cant get me to care about andy the asshole anyway, but thats an opinion shared by any artist who studied him)

    Seriously. You need therapy if this damaged “”“the cause”“” in your eyes. Because youre likely a sociopath.