Only if your fifteen minute comment recorded during the morning commute is transcribed by the most limited speech to text system possible and put as alt text.
Only if your fifteen minute comment recorded during the morning commute is transcribed by the most limited speech to text system possible and put as alt text.
You’re cutting off your nose to spite your face under the mistaken belief that voting with your dollar is effective.
Consider tracking mitigation techniques as opposed to the boycott.
No it’s bad.
E: anti wayland, anti pulseaudio, anti systemd, pro xscreensaver.
Couple hundred gigs. Everything else is on the server.
Because those laptops suck.
Thinkpads are good and cheap. If someone has a bunch of money to spend on a computer they buy a Mac.
Eh, none of this is really addressing the fundamentals of getting comfortable figuring out how to do what you wanna do, which is what in my experience leads to people seeing command line use as magic incantations.
Like, if you’re on windows you know how to figure out how to do what you wanna do, right click a file, look for entries in the context menu, look at the properties, open with, etc.
This works because people fundamentally understand the metaphor behind the operating system.
If you’re in bash and don’t know how to do what you wanna do you don’t need any of this fancy zoomer shit, just use “which”, “man”, whatever your package manager offers and the other commands that had big oriley books written about em.
People need to develop the command line equivalent of the “click around and see if you learn anything” skills.
E: I gave the linked article another read and it really is about setting up a production environment in the command line and not about getting people comfortable with the command line at all.
Like, if someone needs to cut down a tree in their front yard they don’t need to know how to operate a felller-buncher, they need to know how to use an axe handle to judge where the tree will fall and what it will fall on.
Also if the normal invocation of your program produces more than 3k lines of stdout, sanitize it and default to a file.