Just in case you thought maybe the Dems had finally seen the light after Rafah. Nope! How about even more bombs for Israel?

  • trevron@beehaw.org
    3 months ago

    The US backed coup in 2014 and the threat of NATO expansion on it’s borders are some fairly obvious pieces of that puzzle but everybody here just claims “russian propaganda” when those facts are brought into the discussion.

    • t3rmit3@beehaw.org
      3 months ago

      Are you seriously calling a populist uprising a “US backed coup”, implying the US had a hand in it, simply because the US ideologically supported their goals?

      NATO expansion is not a justification for invading another country, especially a non-NATO one. Ukraine has the right to self-determination and freedom to associate with whomever they want, and Russia doesn’t get to tell them who they can or can’t be friends with.

      I can only assume based on this that you philosophically support the Bay of Pigs operation, as the US saw Soviet expansion near them as a threat.

      Putin didnt make his move on Crimea because he was trying to defend Russia, he did it because he knew that his plans to reassimilate Ukraine were threatened by the new Ukranian government. And the 2022 expansion of the invasion just proves that.

      • trevron@beehaw.org
        3 months ago

        Fitting but a little ironic to bring that up. The Bay of Pigs and everything that lead up to that is a great example of what the US gets up to globally and exactly the kind of thing that makes me question the western narrative. They (the CIA) didn’t just stop doing shit like that.

        That being said, I don’t support Russia either. I am not apologizing for their actions just providing pieces of explanations. Let’s not pretend that they haven’t had NATO expansion as a big red line on their list for a long time. The threat of more NATO at their border within an arms reach of their major cities is obviously fair. But I do think they are using that as an excuse while at the same time I think the US is taking major advantage of this situation. That is, in my opinion, a problem for peace.

        Sure, countries have the right to self determine but you can’t ignore the diplomatic consequences of that. Shit doesn’t exist in a bubble. And the populist uprising was not so free from western influence. Come on thats CIA playbook 101 😅

        Anyways, it is obviously a complex situation but the instant overnight prowar stance everyone has had since day 1 of this invasion is steeped with propaganda and people are immediately shutdown for questioning any part of the narrative and being labeled “putin’s puppet”. That is my real issue with this discourse. You cannot look at history and honestly think America is the good guys at pretty much any point post-ww2 so question the fuckin narrative.