Being completely unaware of anyone else:
- Standing in doorways, using your phone or having a conversation
- Talking loudly when inappropriate, when I’m in pain at the doctors, I don’t want to hear about your roses
- leaving your shopping trolley blocking the aisle sideways in the supermarket while looking for your stuff
- driving down the middle of the road so everyone else has to pull over, when there’s plenty of room for two cars to pass
- stopping in the middle of the road without indicating, while: looking for your destination, or having a conversation, or deciding what day it is
- riding your delivery bike down the footpath at high speed weaving between pedestrians
As Jean-Paul Sartre said, “Hell is other people”.
Or as Daria said: “On second thought, hell is myself.”
Common misuse of words. Decimate means reduce by 1/10 not almost completely destroy. Exponential growth. The variable has to be in the exponent if it’s a constant exponent that is polynomial growth. Gaslighting isn’t just lying. It’s making someone belive that they can’t trust their own memories or experiences so they believe you despite evidence to the contrary.
Using “decimate” to mean “completely destroy” is not a misuse of the word. The word’s meaning has simply changed.
If you cannot chew with your mouth closed and you are older than 6 years, you should not be allowed to vote, operate heavy machinery or have children.
There are people who have a genuine problem breathing fully through their nose though.
Take smaller bites.
Saying that they could care less when they mean they couldn’t care less.
Like, of course anyone can care less than they currently do.
The way I handle this is to parse them differently. They mean the same thing, but “I couldn’t care less” is sincere and “I could care less” is sarcastic.
Sort of like, “I suppose it’s possible that I could care less about that” reduced to the phrase.
Because both phrases obviously communicate the same meaning, a lack of care, the issue for me isn’t in the understanding but in the parsing. So I had to come up with a way to parse it as sarcasm so it doesn’t bother me.
Like when someone says, “I’ll try and be there” my brain, mildly traumatized by really good English teachers in my youth, screams, “YOU’LL TRY TO BE THERE.” But lately I’ve been making an effort to interpret the “and <verb>” following “try” as an alternate form of the infinitive, since it’s so readily accepted and common in spoken English. We already construct other verbs that way anyway (eg. “I’ll go and do that”).
I…might have a touch of the ‘tism. It wouldn’t surprise me. 😅
I always thought of it as a semi-threat/dismissal. For example, “By your actions I see you don’t really care about this serious problem.” Then the response, “I could care less.” Meaning, it’s such a moot point to the person that they could indeed just not care at all about it if necessary.
Criticizing people for voting 3rd party and then doing nothing to replace first past the post voting.
Okay, I very publicly judge these people. It’s not a secret.
Drag thinks the people you’re talking about don’t exist.
Extraneous apostrophe’s
I got you’re back, bro
/s for the Americans